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2013-08-20 11:50:22作者:编辑:


        Robert J. Wyle,穆迪公司产品管理部高级总监,ALM领域资深专家。不久前,Robert应邀在金融咨询网开设专栏并将陆续发布与ALM相关的一些观点文章及研究成果。金融咨询网将以“中文简介+英文原文”的方式刊发这些专栏文章。




An Evaluation of Interest Rate Risk Tools and the Future of Asset Liability Management


        This paper identiies, describes, and evaluates the analytical tools that CEOs and corporate boards have used to understand capital and earnings exposure to interest rate risk. Furthermore, the paper examines lessons learned as a result of the market turbulence that began in late 2007 and explores how the nature of inancial risk management is evolving. Most banks actively monitor structural asset and liability risk; however, unlike market or credit risk, there are no standard metrics to assess asset and liability risk. In fact, practitioners do not even agree on whether interest rate risk metrics should be based on earnings sensitivity, market value sensitivity, or the traditional cash low gap model. Given this lack of consensus and standardization, it is not surprising that there is a wide range of Asset Liability Management (ALM) practices and sophistication. Moreover, while no ALM risk management tool is ideal, each has its strengths and weaknesses. To effectively manage their balance sheet, inancial institutions must select the risk management tools that are appropriate for the institution’s size, complexity and risk management objectives in the context of a dynamic regulatory environment. The global regulatory community has indicated that ALM was not adequate and is forcing banks to improve their risk management practices.

1. Introduction

        ALM is deined in several ways. Traditionally, ALM has been associated with the management of structural balance sheet interest rate risk (IRR). The traditional deinition of IRR is “the exposure of a bank’s inancial condition to adverse movements in interest rates”. This deinition, however, considers only a single risk factor. Consistent with this deinition, the tools for measuring and monitoring IRR have historically been the Repricing Gap Model, net Interest Income (nII) simulation, and the sensitivity of Market Value of Portfolio Equity. At some banks, due to the concentration of skills and cash low models, the ALM function is also responsible for performing a variety of other balance sheet management analyses including:

        >> Liquidity Risk

        >> Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP)

        >> Capital Management

        >> Risk Policy setting

        Therefore, depending on the institution, the full scope of ALM can be much broader than just IRR. And given the lack of standardization in the industry, it is not surprising that there is a wide range of sophistication in ALM. 

        Approaches to ALM can be broadly categorized as simple or sophisticated:

        simpler approaches to ALM
        >> Periodic Gap Model

        >> Calculating the impact of parallel and instantaneous interest rate shocks on static earnings or market value using discounted cash low analysis. 
        Sophisticated approaches to ALM
        >> Dynamic simulation of the balance sheet under multiple interest rate scenarios

        >> Option Adjusted Valuation (OAV) Volatility-based risk metrics that include Value at Risk (VaR), stochastic Earnings at Risk (EaR), Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC), or Economic Value Added (EVA)

        While regulators and practitioners might agree on what ALM risk management tools are available, they do not necessarily agree on which ALM tools should be used to quantify risk (that is, an earnings-based sensitivity or market value sensitivity.) Regulators are demanding stronger risk management practices and so banks are increasingly looking at more sophisticated approaches to ALM. This lack of consensus on how to measure ALM risk was a major reason why interest rate risk outside the trading book was not subjected to an explicit (Pillar 1) capital charge under Basel II but is covered under Pillar 2 instead (BCBs 2005, §762).

        Lessons Learned
        The industry and regulatory response to the market dislocations that began in late 2007 have sparked renewed interest in ALM. Traditional approaches to ALM did not foresee or prevent the credit crisis. Some of the key lessons learned include:

        >> The need for effective irm-wide risk identiication and analysis: Firms that were better able to share quantitative and qualitative information across the enterprise were better able to identify the sources for inherent risks sooner. These irms identiied risks earlier which gave them more time to develop irm-wide solutions rather than wait and hope that the lines would make decisions that beneit theirm’s exposures collectively. Firms that performed less well did not effectively share information, and the lines were left to make decisions in isolation.

        >> The consistent application of independent and rigorous valuation practices across the irm: Firms that performed better throughout the credit crisis generally had a more disciplined enterprise valuation process. These irms developed in-house infrastructure and governance capability to quantify and share the intrinsic value of complex potentially illiquid securities. These irms identiied future risks sooner and had more time to frame enterprise risk management strategies.

        >> The effective management of funding, liquidity, capital, and the balance sheet: Firms that implemented and enforced enterprise risk management control systems for the management of capital and liquidity tended to perform better during the credit crisis. For example, irms that aligned their Treasury functions more closely with risk management processes provided internal incentives for individual business lines to control activities that might lead to unexpected losses primarily by charging the business lines for contingent liquidity risk.

        >> informative and responsive risk measurement and management reporting and practices: Better performing irms tended to look at risk using metrics that were based on different underlying assumptions and were better able to update their modeling assumptions to better relect current market conditions. These irms were better able to evaluate forward-looking scenarios under changing market circumstances and pursue opportunities as they emerged. In contrast, irms that experienced more dificulty were dependent on speciic risk measures which might have been based on outdated information.

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